Zeeland is zeker ‘something different!’

Published on 18 juli 2015 by

ZEELAND – Investeer in Zeeland. Dan doen ons geboren Zeeuwsen natuurlijk als sinds we 0 zijn! Dit filmpje was in 2013 bedoelt om bedrijven en multinationals te verleiden zich vooral in Zeeland te vestigen.

Zeeland is het beloofde land

Is dat zo? Voor die bijna 400.000 inwoners van de meest zuidwestelijke provincie van Nederland. En voor die miljoen mensen die onze provincie komen bezoeken voor een dagje, een weekendje, een weekje of langer ook. En volgens de website ook voor bedrijven en multinationals. Dit valt er op de website investinzeeland.com o.a. te lezen:

Zeeland is a good place for doing business. Many companies have found their way to this region on account of its favourable economic climate, relatively low costs for companies, good connections with the hinterland via non-congested roads, water and railway, the no-nonsense attitude of the workforce and the favourable living-and-working conditions.

20 redenen

Waarom bedrijven in Zeeland zouden moeten investeren? Nou, er zijn dus wel 20 redenen op te noemen!

  1. Strategically located in Northwestern Europe
  2. The Netherlands has got the best logistics performance in Europe
  3. Flexible labour regulations ans relations
  4. Transparant, reliable and business friendly authorities
  5. A competitive fiscal climate
  6. Zeeland is the strongest economy of the Netherlands
  7. Over the past years, the growth of Zeeland´s gross regional product topped that of other parts of the Netherlands by more than ten percent.
  8. Export is important for the economy of Zeeland. Export accounts for over one third of each euro earned in this province. This is more than the proportion earned in the other Dutch provinces.
  9. The deepwater ports of Vlissingen and Terneuzen are the third-largest port of the Netherlands
  10. The ports harbour one of Europe´s main fruit terminals
  11. The ports are the largest port in Europe concerning offshore windindustry
  12. An international chemical-logistic cluster is established there, with important players in the processing industry, such as Dow Benelux, Yara and Arkema.
  13. Companies, authorities and knowledge institutes join forces to make strong sectors even stronger and more sustainable. For instance in the Biobased Delta, the Biopark Terneuzen and the Maintenance Valuepark.
  14. The ports and industrial estates offer ample room for new developments.
  15. Zeeland is situated between the international seaports of Rotterdam and Antwerp.
  16. The costs involved in setting up a business in Zeeland are two to three times lower than those in the neighbouring regions of Rotterdam and Antwerp.
  17. Zeeland is not listed in the traffic-jam top 50.
  18. High-quality connections for inland navigation and carriage of goods by railway and waterway to Germany, Belgium and Northern France.
  19. Partnerships
  20. Good quality of life

Vertalen van bovenstaande lukt je vast wel 😉 Ons gaat het om het filmpje. Dan begrijp je WAAROM Zeeland zo VERDOMD interessant is voor bedrijven. Moet alleen niet te druk worden hier!

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